Maine Appalachian Trail Hike Day 11: Kennebec River Crossing

Maine Appalachian Trail Hike Day 11: Kennebec River Crossing

We woke up this morning at East Carry Pond with about 10 miles to the Kennebec River. Because the water levels in the river can change rapidly to accommodate rafting, it is highly encouraged that hikers take the ferry, which runs from 9-11 am and 2-4. With a big morning push we got to the ferry by quarter past ten.

Our plan was to pick up the mail drop in Caratunk, grab a bite to eat if there was any options, and head back onto the trail for the six miles to the next camping area. Our plans changed when the ferry guide started telling us about Northern Outdoors, a rafting resort with rooms, showers, pool, restaurant and more. With our legs dead from the morning rush, and being a full day ahead of schedule it was a no brainer.

We were able to hitch a ride to Northern Outdoors from the ferry operator, and then we caught a fortuitous break in the parking lot when we met up with Mike and Jeff, a father/son hiking tandem that we’d mirrored on the trail the last couple of days and they offered to split their room with us, which has two full beds and a bunk bed. I gladly conceded the bunk bed’s top bed to Brad, I’m not looking to do any more climbing today.

By ferry crossing, I meant a guy in a canoe.

Oh, did I mention the Kennebec River Brewery is also housed at Northern Outdoors? Not that this factored into our decision or anything.

Chances of having an Internet connection for the next week or so are going to be slim to none, emphasis on the none. Probably the last post for a while.


Since you need to stay at the “top of your game” you and Brad stayed away from the Brewery, Right ? Right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love the pics and commentary like always. The picture of brad, hmmm… little interesting with him hugging the sign but hey, if he’s having a good time then great! Joe and i have been to Northern Outdoors where you guys stayed. We actually did a rafting trip with my company years ago and though we camped out instead, we did go to that lodge for a beer later on. and realized we should’ve stayed there instead of our two man tent…especially when Joe ate beans the night before. enough said. 🙂
So have a great time this week and be careful you guys.
-maggie and joe

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So glad it's not just me, Anne, and the timer idea is inspired! I have forced myself to banish the internet to another computer, so that I'm not tempted to do the Amazon, Google, Twitter, Facebook malarchy, essential though those things are, when I'm trying to write! However, my iPhone has made all that much more manageable.Are you ever tempted to go back to the typewriter?

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