Maine Appalachian Trail Hike Day 3: Baldpate Mountain

Maine Appalachian Trail Hike Day 3: Baldpate Mountain

We’re back. After a two-week hiatus we’re on the trail again, this time to section hike through to Katahdin. Don’t be fooled by Brad’s appearance, this is the before picture. He started his trail beard a month ahead of time. Essentially he’s starting out as a Level 1 Wizard. I wonder if Hogwarts will consider this study abroad?

On the other hand I’m going with the Mr. Clean. My own mother said I look like a condom. Which prompted Brad to say, “That makes sense, you’ve always been a…” well, you get the point, my family loves me unconditionally. My bigger concern is that by the end of this my appearance will probably enable me to walk on the set of a Lifetime movie in the part of the sketchy neighbor.

Oh yeah, we did some hiking today. We covered 6.6 miles from Route 26 over Baldpate Mountain to the Frye Notch Shelter, which would probably be more appropriately named the Blair Witch Shelter. The hiking over Baldpate ranged from difficult to whose-idea-was-this-anyway? We certainly didn’t take the easy way out by deciding to do the Table Rock Loop Trail, which was as steep and and rocky as anything we’ve done yet. Ditto for the final ascent up the east summit of Baldpate, elevation 3812.

All in all it was a good day. The only weird part was that we arrived at the Blair Witch Shelter (can you tell I’m looking forward to tonight) at quarter past two. We still had more hiking in us at that point, but with 10 miles to the next shelter, we didn’t have that much in us. So tomorrow will have to be our first double digit mile day, and thus our first real test for where we are at.

Lastly, we’re keeping a scorecard on wipeouts. In a minor upset, Brad is losing after one day with two falls to my one.

Ready to go at the Old Speck and Baldpate Mountains parking lot.

The Baldpate Table Rock trail.

Steeper than it looks…

Being stupid on Table Rock. It comes naturally.

The view from Table Rock. To be honest, I have no idea what I’m doing.

Baldpate East Peak summit sign.

The Frye Notch Shelter. Beware of moose.

The Blair Which Shelter. More on this to come…


Have fun you two….so excited for you both..what a great time and great memories as brothers. Looking forward to seeing and hearing all about the rest of your trip..on face-book.
Love Aunt Debbie

1)La mejor corrección para esas novelas horribles que mencionas arriba, margaret, es no editarlas. Hay mucho que releer para que se inunde el mercado con títulos prescindibles, aunque, claro, de eso se trata, de mercado y no de ‘gestionar’ buena literatura 2) Yo sí estoy de acuerdo con al distinción de Jonas entre editar o hacer editing con best sellers y obras, digamos, autoexigidas. ·)Finalmente ¿por qué despierta tantos odios Olmos?

Reminds me of Turkish commando team are going to Palestine to get revenge of the aid workers who were killed by israeli commandos in the Flotilla bound to Gaza. They go on to hunt for the Israeli-zionist military commander responsible for the Gaza flotilla raid.

Hi Chuck, if the facts are as straightforward as you present them, you should contact a lawyer. Depending on where you live, there may be a legal advice service in your area that will provide you with some free advice and/or access to a copyright lawyer at lower fees.

Hey guys looks like your having fun. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Looking forward to seeing/hearing more about it.

Hey you guys look good! And Oh by the way the beer and lobster I had last night was really great. Wish you were here, he he he ! Talked with Fran and Wyatt last night.
Have a safe trip.

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