Category Archives: New Hampshire Appalachian Trail

Bookended by the widely popular hiking destinations of Franconia Ridge and South Twin Mountain on one end, and the Presidential Range on the other, it’s easy to dismiss the New Hampshire Appalachian Trail from Mt. Guyot to Mizpah Spring Hut as the necessary in-between. To an extent this wouldn’t entirely be a mistake (the summit of Mt. Zealand isn’t likely to take anyone’s breath away); however, those who tackle this stretch are treated to ample photo opportunities from Zealand Falls, Zeacliff, Zealand Notch and the Webster Cliffs.

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The New Hampshire Appalachian Trail from Mt. Garfield to Mt. Guyot features views of the Pemigewasset Wilderness you’ll lose your train of thought in, along with calorie-busting terrain to make amends for that last trip to Five Guys & Fries. In other words, par for the course. We begin this AT adventure at the intersection of the Garfield Trail and the Garfield Ridge Trail.

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For many, the Presidential Range is the Appalachian Trail section most synonymous with New Hampshire, which makes the Franconia Ridge Trail hike from Mt. Liberty to Mt. Lafayette a second fiddle with a marvelous tune. With two mountains over 5,000 feet, the option to summit 4,459-foot Mt. Liberty, and 4,500-foot Mt. Garfield likely also on the docket, this stretch will have hikers crashing and burning by day’s end.

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After shaking a case of trail trail déjà vu, it was back onto the New Hampshire Appalachian Trail for another wild adventure. Unfortunately the trek once again didn’t go as planned. Yet another lesson learned in the perils of section hiking an AT state in sections.

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Section hiking the New Hampshire Appalachian Trail, take two. After our first misadventure on the trail, where we foolishly tackled more than we should have and succumbed to dehydration, we returned to complete Smart Mountain and continue along to conquer Mt. Moosilauke.

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A year after hiking the Maine Appalachian Trail, my brother Brad and I set out to tackle the New Hampshire section. This blog post chronicles our adventure from the southern border crossing over the Connecticut River to Smart Mountain. In between we survived a close encounter with the Hanover wildlife.

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